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Find 12 words in the puzzle, then answer the questions. 1. How many family words are there? Write them down. D FAT GRAN SR GGND HBROWNRTAL OGAOBROTHER X ERZ H QKGM W LM ZCXIVTGB RNN TPDPE SISTER ULMGRNPLUMPO YUONEGZP POIU HXTKDSTBLONS WWHZXDTRJK II ILEBLUEUIQNN KZRXUQSLIMHW 2. How many colours are there? Write them down. 3. How many words describe people? Write them down.​

Find 12 Words In The Puzzle Then Answer The Questions 1 How Many Family Words Are There Write Them Down D FAT GRAN SR GGND HBROWNRTAL OGAOBROTHER X ERZ H QKGM W class=