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Passive Voice In Let+ object+be+V+
structure af
Active Voice Arleta
De' लाई हाई लाई V' बनाएर वाक्य शुरू गर्नुपर्छ र पछि Passive को object लाई जस्ताको त्यस्तै लेख्नुपर्छ। जस्तै
Lol him/his brother be punished.
= Punish him/his brother.
(A) Change Into Passive Voice.
(1) Dogs chase cats. (2) He teaches us English every day. (3) They showed me a strange animal
(4) People admired her beauty very much. (5) Nobody could solve
the mystery. (6) We should preserve
the tiger for many reasons. (7) People have forgotten
his name in a short period. (8) Somebody i
belogling them nowadays. (9) I have completed this
work. (10) He is going to give me a dictionary (11
Nobody had to do any work. (12) Sita's son did not
like any of those shirts. (13) People won't tolerat
it at all (14) She does not eat anything
on Sundays. (15) We don't park cars here
(16) He will not have purchased
anything. (17) Did they cheat you yesterday
(18) Does the sun give us light and heat?
(19) Do people drink petrol? (20) Why does Mr Thap
accuse him of stealing? (21) How do you
prepare rice pudding? (22) Can a bull kill a tiger? (23) Wor
the police arrest the gang of robbers? (24)
We are going to catch up the tiger soon. (25) He gave
smoking cigarettes (26: Did she find out his
address ? (27) Does he put on expensive clothes? (
They did not forget anything (29) Mrs
Thapa will not accept any of these things (30) However
landslide covered the whole road (31
) But when did you see her going to the river? (32) Who h
killed all my chickens? (33) Luckily, they
protected him from being a prey to the tiger. (34) Can you s
how they solved the mystery? (35) He
explained why we should preserve the tiger (36) Where
people sell and buy fish in this town?
(37) People believed that the earth was flat. (38) They say t
soul is immortal (39) We hope that she
will recover soon. (40) People think that tigers are vermin
Put it off (42) Please, sit down (43)
Obey your parents (44) Prepare yourself for the worst. (45

Sagot :

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