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Moris Kraft is a respectable lawyer in Middleford city. He works downtown at the Federal High Court. He works hard all day long in his office, sometimes overtime, but he likes to rest and relax in his cottage in Newcastle. He'll drive there with his wife for the weekend. First he'll clean the car because it's very dirty. Then he'll check the tyres. Mrs. Kraft - Will you fill up the radiator, dear? Mr. Kraft-Yes, I will. Mrs. Kraft-Will you put water into the battery, too? Mr. Kraft-Yes, dear. I will put water into the battery. Mrs. Kraft-Will we have time for lunch, dear? Mr. Kraft-Yes, we will, but we won't have time for dessert. Mrs. Kraft - What time do you think we'll get there? Mr. Kraft- I think we'll get there nearly 5 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Kraft-Oh, that's great. We'll have time for a dive in the swimming-pool, then! Questions 1. Is Mr. Kraft a politician? 2. Does he work in his house? 3. Where does he work? 4. How many hours does he work every day? 5. What does he like to do on weekends? 6. Will he go there? 7. Who will go with Mr. Kraft? 8. Will they have time for lunch? 9. What about dessert? 10. What will Mrs. Kraft do when she gets in the cottage in Newcastle?

preciso disso para amanhã galeraa​

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