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Buna! \
am si eu nevoie de codul python care sa ruleze direct si sa transmita urmatoarele informatii.

Considering the following situation:

Musk remains on top if Musk defeats Bezos and Musk defeats Gates or Musk does not defeat Gates and Gates does not defeat Ellison.

1 Build the truth table for the following assumption - on paper

2 Using Boolean logic write in which conditions Musk does not remain number one without using any parenthesis - on paper.

3 Write a Python application ( where you test different scenarios:

a Read from the user into variable Bezos_initials whether Musk defeats Bezos or not

b Read from the user into variable Gates_initials whether Musk defeats Gates or not

c Read from the user into variable Ellison_initials whether Gates defeats Ellison or not

4 Display messages whether it is True or False if Musk remains on top / Musk does not remain on top, as in the screen shot.

Buna Am Si Eu Nevoie De Codul Python Care Sa Ruleze Direct Si Sa Transmita Urmatoarele Informatii Considering The Following Situation Musk Remains On Top If Mus class=