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Text and comprehension


He was a great inventor. Maybe the greatest inventor of all time. During the lifetime, he invented 1.093


He was born in 1847 in a small city in the state of Ohio in the United States. He wasn’t a good student;

actually he was a bad student. Thomas left school when he was only 8 years old, and he never returned. But

he was also a curious boy. He liked to do experiments over and over. He wanted to do more experiments and

to buy more equipment, but he didn’t have any money. So he got a job on train, selling candy and newspaper.

One day, when Thomas was 15, he saved the child who was on the train tracks. That action changed

his own life. The child’s father a telegraph operator, wanted to reward Thomas. He taught him to be a telegraph

operator and Edison was good. Edison’s most famous and difficult, inventions was the electric lightbulb.

During his lifetime, Thomas Alva Edison registred 1093 patents. Without a doubt he was the greatest

inventor of all time.

I. Read the text about Thomas Edison and judge (T) true or (F) false according to it:

1) ( ) Edison was born in England.

2) ( ) When Edison was a child, he was a good student.

3) ( ) Thomas Edison returned to school when he was 8 years old.

4) ( ) Edison wasn’t a good student, but he was also a curious boy.

5) ( ) Edison didn’t do more experiments because he didn’t have any money.

6) ( ) Edison saved a child when he was 15.

7) ( ) Edison didn’t work.

8) ( ) Edison learned alone to be a telegraph operator.

9) ( ) Edison saved a child. The child’s father didn’t teach Edison anything.

10) ( ) Edison was a curious boy.

Sagot :


1) (F) Edison was born in England. Ele nasceu em Ohio, nos EUA

2) (F) When Edison was a child, he was a good student. O texto deixa claro que ele não era um bom estudante

3) (F) Thomas Edison returned to school when he was 8 years old. Ele abandonou a escola com 8 anos e nunca retornou.

4) (V) Edison wasn’t a good student, but he was also a curious boy.

5) (V) Edison didn’t do more experiments because he didn’t have any money. ele não tinha dinheiro para comprar os equipamentos

6) (V) Edison saved a child when he was 15.

7) (F) Edison didn’t work. Ele vendia doces e jornais no trem.

8) (F) Edison learned alone to be a telegraph operator. O pai da criança que ele salvou que ensinou a ele.

9) (F) Edison saved a child. The child’s father didn’t teach Edison anything. O pai da criança que ele salvou que ensinou a ele obre o telegrafo

10) (V) Edison was a curious boy.

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