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INGLÊS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Full Short Short INTERROGATIVE גנןI a ווו'I I You are He is She is I am not You're You are not You aren't He's He is not He isn't She's Slie is not She isn't It's It is not It isn't We're we are not We aren't They're They are not They aren't This is not This isn't That's That is not That isn't We are They are This is That is Am 1? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are they? Is this? Is that? Complete as atividades a seguir com os verbos to be (am, is, are) de acordo com o quadro acima. 01 -They students. 02 - She my teacher. 03 - He a good doctor. 04 - he my friend? 05 - we at school every morning.
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