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5) Passeassentençasaseguirparao“PastPerfect”ecompleteosespaços com a forma correta dos verbos em parênteses nesse tempo verbal da língua inglesa:

a) He (live) in Germany before she went to Brazil.

b) After I (eat) the birthday cake, I began to feel sick.

c) If we. (listen) to her, we would have got the best place in the theater.

d) Ingrid didn’t arrive there until after I (leave).

e) When I (finish) lunch, I called him.

Sagot :


a. He lived in germany before she went to Brazil.

b. After I eaten the birthday cale, I began to feel sick.

c. If we listened to her, we would have a gota the best place in the theater

d. Ingrid didn't arrive there until after I left

e. When I finished lunch , I called him

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