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Sagot :
(vermelho) palavra cognatas
Air pollution is the effect caused by concentrations of solids, liquids or gases in the air that have a negative impact on the surrounding environment and people. There are many pollutants and they may occur naturally (from dust, wildfires and volcanoes) or from human activity, be visible or invisible, emit an odor or be odorless. Various air pollutants can stay in the atmosphere from minutes to years and, while often considered a local issue, may have a range that is local, national, regional or global.
(azul) Passive voice
Air pollution is often understood as an urban issue and it is true that cities concentrate economic activy and demand for energy services, and, so, tend to experience cities concentrate economic activity and demand for energy services, and, so, tend to the experience the most harmful concentrations of air pollution. The precise mix of pollutants and the severity of the health impacts are different from Paris to Delhi, Los Angeles to Lagos, Beijing to México City but all have air quality that reduces life expectancy.
(preto) Verbos no presente – Presente Simple
Air pollution does not stop at the city gate: the sources are widespread, sometimes rural in nature and, although some pollutants disperse only locally, others travel large distances in the atmosphere and have regional and global impacts. Many of the world's poorest communities are heavily exposed to toxic fumes when cooking, or heating and lighting their homes.
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