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Atch the questions and the answers.who had the best performance?
Can Audrey cope with pressure ?
Do they have experience in this area?
Has Albert finished the project ?

yes, he has
yes, think they do.
in my opinion, it was Melinda
of corse she can

Sagot :


Who had the best performance?

In my opnion, it was Melissa

Can Audrey cope with pressure ?

Of course she can

Do they have experience in this area?

Yes, I think they do.

Has Albert finished the project ?

Yes, he has

Sua participação é muito valiosa para nós. Não se esqueça de voltar para fazer mais perguntas e compartilhar seus conhecimentos. Juntos, podemos aprender e crescer mais. Obrigado por visitar IDNLearner.com. Estamos aqui para fornecer respostas confiáveis, então visite-nos novamente em breve.