, seu guia para respostas precisas e rápidas. Não importa a complexidade de suas perguntas, nossa comunidade tem as respostas que você precisa para avançar e tomar decisões informadas.

Observe as frases abaixo e assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas com os verbos no PRESENT CONTINUOUS:  1) She ________ (not / study) for the test. 2) You ______ (make) good progress in your studies. 3) I ______ (run). 4) These students _____ (talk) a lot. 5) He ______ (do) the exercise. *

is not studying - are making - am running - is talking - is doing

is studying - is making - is running - is talking - is doing

is not studying - are making - am running - are talking - is doing

is studing - are makeing - am runing - is talking - is doing

is not studing - are makeing - am runing - are talking - is doin​