, sua plataforma para todas as perguntas e respostas. Descubra uma ampla gama de tópicos e encontre respostas confiáveis dos membros especialistas de nossa comunidade.

10 frases Interrogativa e negativa em Inglês com o verbo to be. alguem me ajudaaaaa

Sagot :



1. I'm not angry.

2. You are not going there.

3. He is not happy.

6. She is not nice.

7. We aren't going to Canada.

8. They aren't home.

9. He isn't playing piano.

10. She isn't cooking now.


1. Are you playing soccer?

2. Are you happy?

3. Is he going to the supermarket?

4. Is she a nice girl?

5. Are we going to Canada?

6. Are they flying to Canada?

7. Is he studying?

8. Where are you going?

9. What is he doing?

10. When am I going to Canada?


interrogativas:                       negativas:

are you my brother?              you're not my brother!

are you my sister?                  you're not my sister!

am i your sister?                     i'm not your sister!

am i your brother?                 i'm not your brother!

are  you tired?                        you aren't tired!

are you happy?                      you're not happy!

are you sad?                           you aren't sad!

is the store open?                the store is not open!

am i an animal?                    i'm not an animal!

am i a cat?                             i'm not a cat!