, um recurso essencial para esclarecer dúvidas. Pergunte e receba respostas precisas de nossos membros especialistas da comunidade.

crie um diálogo grande com where who whose which!
pra amanhã por favor

Sagot :



- Hey Hanna, how are you doing?

- I'm fine Josh, thanks! How about you?

- I'm good too, thanks! But where have you been? I've missed you at the club, you never went there anymore!

- I know Hanna, but I've been hanging out a lot with a new friend lately.

-For real? Who is he? Do I know them?

-Yes, are you familiar with Jake?

-It depends. Which Jake? Jake form math class?

-No, Jake whose house burnt down last month.

-Ohhh, yes i know. I feel so sorry about he's house, how is he feeling about it? Pretty bad I assume

-Yes, he's quite upset, that's why I'm hanging out with him, to cheer him up you know. You should talk to him, he would feel great to hear from you.

-Yeah, i'm going to do this, say hello to him. But hey, i got to go. Say hello for your mom for me, Josh!

-OK! See you Hanna!