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* Unscramble the words to form sentences.


1) only eight/ were/ yesterday/ students/ in class/ there/. ________________________________________________



2) animals/ in danger/ were/ of extinction/ there/ in Asia/? ________________________________________________


3) a polluted/ river/ was/ there/ nearby/? ________________________________________________



Preciso que me ajudem!!! Obrigada!!! :)

Sagot :

Em 1, perceba que se forma o verbo haver (there is/there are), porém no passado (there were = Haviam). Portanto sabemos que ele virá primeiro na frase.


1) There were only eight students in class yestarday. (Haviam somente oito estudantes na classe ontem)


Em 2, é o mesmo caso de 1, com o verbo 'there are' no passado. Só que neste caso, temos uma pergunta. Portanto, se é uma questão, temos que inverter, ficando 'were there'.


2) Were there animals in danger of extinction in Asia? (Haviam animais em risco da extinção na Ásia?)


3) Was there a polluted river nearby? (Havia um risco poluído por perto?)

1) there were only eight students in class yesterday


2) were there animals in danger of extinction in asia?


3) was there a polluted river nearby? ( havia um RIO poluido por perto? )