Obtenha conselhos de especialistas e respostas detalhadas no IDNLearner.com. Nossa comunidade está aqui para fornecer respostas detalhadas para todas as suas perguntas e problemas, independentemente da complexidade.

1) Pesquise as regras e completo adequadamente:
(easy) than the previous exorcise.
1. This exorcise is
(hot) day of the year.
2. This TV show is
3. Yesterday was
(difficult) tost of all.
(good) than my previous one.
6. This pon writos
(exciting) than that film.
6. This book is
(intelligent) in the class.
7. This pupil is
(old) castlo in Britain,
8. This is
(important) than monoy.
9. Friends are
(expensive) than the necklace.
10. This watch is
(famous) actor in Spain.
11. This actor is
(oasy) than Italian.
12. English is
(cheap) than hotels.
13.Hostols are
(old) than me.
14.My sister
(delicious) than ice cream.
16. This cake is
(beautiful) in the shop.
16. This dress is
(bad) than that t-shirt
17. This t-shirt is
(modern) than yours.
18. My car is
(new) phone in the shop.
10. I want​