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Myhouseis a cage. 'I canlivehere, but I
can'tleavehere. I caneat, I candrink and sing
But I can'tfly... I canseemyowner Hower.
But I can'tseethetreeortheflower.
I can stand, walkandjump. But I can'tfly...
But I can'tbehappy. Can I dreamabout it?​

Myhouseis A Cage I Canlivehere But Icantleavehere I Caneat I Candrink And SingBut I Cantfly I Canseemyowner HowerBut I CantseethetreeortheflowerI Can Stand Walk class=

Sagot :


a) I can eat

b) I can't fly

c) Can I dream about it?

espero ter ajudado =)