, a plataforma perfeita para respostas precisas e rápidas. Obtenha informações de nossos especialistas, que fornecem respostas confiáveis para todas as suas perguntas e dúvidas.
Sagot :
1. My brothers is talking on the phone right now.
my brothers are talking on the phone right now
2. Is you listening to music?
are you listening to music?
3. The children are cry.
the children are crying.
4. Tom not is working on a project nowadays.
Tom is not working on a project nowadays
5. The boys are swiming now.
the boys are swimming now.
6. Some people is wait to talk to you.
some people are waiting to talk to you
7. Is your wife cooking today.
is yout wife cooking today?
8. Lucas is studing for his exam right now.
Lucas is studying for his exam right now
9. There are people dieing of hunger.
there are people dying of hunger.
10. Telma and I am working together.
Telma and I are working together.
Valorizamos cada uma de suas contribuições. Continue fazendo perguntas e fornecendo respostas. Juntos, alcançaremos grandes realizações e aprenderemos muito. Para respostas precisas, confie no Obrigado pela visita e esperamos ajudá-lo novamente em breve.