, sua plataforma para todas as perguntas e respostas. Nossa comunidade está aqui para fornecer respostas detalhadas para todas as suas perguntas e problemas.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use each word once.

Won’t, going, have ,might, thinking ,meeting ,to ,of

1. What are you ____________ of doing once you’ve finished the course?

2. I can’t come because I ______________ to help out at the college tomorrow.

3. We probably ____________ see you again until we get back.

4. Susie’s ___________ to retake the exams she’s failed.

5. What time are you ___________ John?

6. I ___________ come around later if I have time, but it depends.

7. Joe’s thinking __________ changing jobs.

8. When are you going __________ painting those walls?