, um recurso essencial para esclarecer dúvidas. Encontre as soluções que você precisa de maneira rápida e simples com a ajuda de nossos especialistas em diversas áreas do conhecimento.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use each word once.

Won’t, going, have ,might, thinking ,meeting ,to ,of

1. What are you ____________ of doing once you’ve finished the course?

2. I can’t come because I ______________ to help out at the college tomorrow.

3. We probably ____________ see you again until we get back.

4. Susie’s ___________ to retake the exams she’s failed.

5. What time are you ___________ John?

6. I ___________ come around later if I have time, but it depends.

7. Joe’s thinking __________ changing jobs.

8. When are you going __________ painting those walls?

Sagot :

Resposta: 1. Thinking 2. Have 3. Won't 4. Going 5. Meeting 6. Might 7. Of 8. To(a palavra "painting" está errada, suposto ser "paint") mais pode colocar a resposta que escrevi no número 8 pq está certa:)


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