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1) When I _________________ in London, I ________________ in a pub.

A) lives - works
B) lived - worked
C) to work - lived

2) Whenever someone ___________ past the gate, the dog ________________. 

A) like - to walk
B) walked - barked
C) to live - to bark

3) My parents ________ to Roma in 2005 and they _____________ it a lot. 

A) worked - started
B) work - enjoy
C) traveled - enjoyed

4) Paul ____________ the sink last month and it’s broken again. 

A) likes
B) to buy
C) fixed

5) I ____________ you at the party yesterday.
A) remember
B) dances
C) missed

6) While the children _______________ in the garden, their mother ________ the house.

A) played - cleaned
B) plays - cleans
C) cleans - cleans

7) We __________ volleyball when we were kids. 

A) cooks
B) played
C) to play

8) The Second World War ___________ in 1945. 

A) ended
B) start
C) to start

9) Susan _________ him last night.

A) helped
B) helps
C) help

10) Yesterday we ___________ the class late, today we have to enter on time.

A) enteres
B) enter
C) entered