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a- complete the sentences with the ver in parentheses in the sinple past tende.
1 my brirthday______ on Friday last year. (fall)
2 the_____ thair victory yesterday
3- i______ involved in many projects last monte.( be)
4 she_____ Thay you were not at home(say)
5- John_____ flowers te his mother last sumday (give)
b- chance the sentences te interrogative form
C- change the sentences in the negative form

Sagot :


1 - My Birthday fell on Friday last year.

2 –  

3 – I was involved in many projects last month

4 – She said that you were not at home

5 – John gave flowers ...his mother last Sunday

b- chance the sentences te interrogative form

1 - Did my Birthday fall on Friday last year?

2 –

3 – Did I am involved in many projects last month?

4 – Did She say that you were not at home?

5 -  Did John give flowers ...his mother last Sunday

C- change the sentences in the negative form

1 - My Birthday didn’t fall on Friday last year.

2 –  

3 – I wasn’t involve in many projects last month

4 – She didn’t say that you were not at home

5 – John didn’t give flowers ...his mother last Sunday


Good Luck!

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