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Read the interview and complete the spaces using less or fewer.
1: David Bright, what an honor to interview such an important celebrity. Are you enjoying your fame?
DB: Oh, yes, it's great. But to be honest, I enjoyed life more when I had (a)
work to do!
1: Oh, yeah, why? Is Hollywood giving you too much work just now?
DB: No, I was just kidding. I just loved my parts in the movies last year. I really feel like my career is
going in the right direction. Right now, I have (b).
free time, but I'm going to
take a vacation pretty soon.
I: So, what is it like, being on TV, on the Internet, in magazines all the time? I mean, your face is everywhere!
DB: It's very strange, in some ways. Five years ago, I had (c)
money in the bank, but
I had (d)
bills to pay. I had (e)
things to worry about.
I: You can give me some of your money, I don't mind...
DB: Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have this lifestyle, but I'd like to have a normal life sometimes.
obviously have (1)
privacy. You see, I can't just go and buy milk without
having hundreds of photographers following me.
1: What are your plans for the future?
DB: I'd like to see (g)
pictures of me in magazines and newspapers and maybe
focus on my theater work more. I feel like I can really concentrate on what I like best now.
I: Good luck and thanks for taking the time to speak to us.
DB: Thank you.

Sagot :


a) Less

b) Less

c) Less


e) Fewer




Nós usamos o LESS quando nos referimos a substantivos incontáveis. E sim, dinheiro pode ser contado, mas não podemos dizer “um dinheiro” ou “três dinheiros”, por exemplo. LESS também pode ser usado como advérbio.

Já a palavrinha FEWER é usada para substantivos contáveis.