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Complete as frases no Past tense:

a) Paul……..………………………………..in a big city. (live)

b) This kid…………………………………......at home. (stay)

c) Charles……………....................................History.(study)

d) Did the child………………………...............all night? (cry)

e) You didn’t……..………………….....................well.(dance)

f) My sister………………………...……………..tennis.( play )

g) I……………………………………the car yesterday. (wash)

h) The cars...............................................in the garage.(stop)

i) They did not……………………………..many books. (carry)

j) Did you……………………………………….the door? (open)​

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Simple Past

a) Paul lived  in a big city. (live)

b) This kid stayed at home. (stay)

c) Charles studied  History.(study)

d) Did the child cry all night? (cry)

e) You didn’t dance well.(dance)

f) My sister played tennis.( play )

g) I washed the car yesterday. (wash)

h) The cars stopped in the garage.(stop)

i) They did not carry many books. (carry)

j) Did you open the door? (open)​


✅ Simple past / regular verbs >> tempo verbal que indica algo que aconteceu no passado e não está mais acontecendo no presente. A maioria dos verbos, em inglês, são regulares, ou seja, terminam em ''ed'' quando estão no passado.


visit >>> visited

watch >>> watched

work >>> worked

→→  Affirmative

David worked a lot last week.

The kids played video game on Sunday.

→→  Interrogative (did + sujeito + verbo forma original)

Did you visit your parents last Saturday? >> Você visitou seus pais no sábado passado?

Did they watch TV last night? >> Eles assistiram TV ontem à noite?

→→  Negative (did + not + verbo forma original) >> did not = didn't

Susan didn't wash her car. >> Susan não lavou seu carro.

I didn't study for the tests. >> Eu não estudei para as provas.

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→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25269960

→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25457807

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