Faça suas perguntas e obtenha respostas claras no IDNLearner.com. Pergunte e receba respostas confiáveis de nossa comunidade dedicada de especialistas em diversas áreas do conhecimento.

match each question to the right situation listed.

A)Could you bring me some pizza
b)Can you call later
c)Can i have a seat
d)Could you get me some water
e)Can i turn on the air conditioner

( )I'm tired
( )I'm hungry
( )I'm thirsty
( )It's hot
( )She's budy

Sagot :


( c)I'm tired

( a)I'm hungry

(d )I'm thirsty

(e )It's hot

( b)She's budy

(b) I’m tired

(a) I’m hungry

(d) I’m thirsty

(e) it’s hot

(c) she’s budy

Espero ter ajudado :))