Junte-se à comunidade do IDNLearner.com e comece a obter respostas. Encontre as soluções que você precisa de maneira rápida e precisa com a ajuda de nossos membros experientes em diferentes áreas.

Exercise – To Be Verb

1. (ENEM QUIZ 2014)
George: Hi Paul. This ________ Mariah, my cousin.
Paul: Hello Mariah. I ______ Paul. _______ you a student?
Mariah: No, I __________ a doctor. I work in Atlanta.
a) ( ) is – am – Are – am
b) ( ) are – am – Are – is
c) ( ) is – are – Is – am
d) ( ) are – am – Are – am
e) ( ) is – am – Is – am
2. (ENEM QUIZ 2014)
A: The neighbors _________ French.
B: No, they ________ French. They _______ both from Europe, but just
the woman _______ French. The man________ Italian.
a) ( ) were – weren’t – weren’t – were – were
b) ( ) was – weren’t – were – was – was
c) ( ) were – weren’t – were – was – was
d) ( ) was – weren’t – were – wasn’t – were
e) ( ) were – were – were – was –was

3. Complete as frases com os pronomes pessoais em inglês: he, she, it, we, they .

a) Mike is ten years old. b) Tim and I are friends
______ is ten years old. ______ are friends

c) Elena is a teacher. d) The house is old.
______ is a teacher. ______ is old.

4. Complete as frases com o verbo to be na forma longa e contraída.

a) They ______ in the garden. They ______ in the garden.
b) She _______ at home. She _______ at home.
c) We ________ happy. We ________ happy.
d) I __________ hungry. I __________ hungry.
5. Forme perguntas com as palavras abaixo utilizando o verbo to be. Veja o modelo.

they / pupils?
Are they pupils?

a) we / bad? (present) ___________________________________
b) you / hungry? (past) ________________________________
c) she / a nice person? (present ) ___________________________
d) he / a pilot? (past) __________________________________

6. Escreva respostas curtas e reais para as perguntas abaixo.

a) Are you a student? __________________________
b) Is your best friend tall? ________________________
c) Is your mum from Minas Gerais? ________________
d) Were your teachers from the USA? ___________________

Good studies!