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Interesting facts about England" smaller •Engind 15 74 times than the US a 59 times smaller th Autralia and 3 timer and 3 timer smaller than Japan. of malish people consume else in the world. more tea ped capita tham anybody french was the official language of England for about 300 years, from 1066 till 1362. 。 the English class Systen is determined by money, but by one's background (family. education, manness, Way of Speaking...l police do not carry guns except in emergencies. British Smith (1780-1856) • The national.anthen of the usa (the star-spangled Banner) Was composed by an Englishman, John Stafford from Gloucester. • It was in England that the first postage stamps appeared. • The English invented and developed the world's earliest railways.
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