Explore o IDNLearner.com para respostas rápidas e relevantes. Obtenha respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas graças aos nossos especialistas, sempre dispostos a oferecer a melhor ajuda possível.

Complete a sentença com os pronomes demonstrativos: this/that/these/those:

John: I like this shop. Hey, how's _____ jacket?

John: Yeah. And how about ____ beautiful pants in the window?

Stella: They're too big for me! How about ______ shit for you?

Stella: Great. I really like it,too. How about ______ shoes?

Complete a sentença com too/this/that/these/those:

This shirt is ___ big for me. ______ shoes here are nice. _____ shirt over there is really expensive. _____ pants in the window are great! ____ shirt hire is beautiful.​