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1. passe as frases para interrogativa no passado.
a) you were here.

b)they were in usa.

c) she was my friend

Sagot :

⇒⇒ Verb to be - simple past

a. You were here. - afirmativa

    Were you here? - interrogativa

b. They were in the USA. - afirmativa

   Were they in the USA? - interrogativa

c. She was my friend. - afirmativa

   Was she my friend?

Verbo ''to be'' - interrogativa

Basta colocar o verbo ''to be'' no início da frase, antes do sujeito, no presente ou passado.

  • I was at home yesterday.
    Was I at home yesterday?

  • They were in the park.
    Were they in the park?

  • You were busy.
    Were you busy?

  • John was hungry.
    Was John hungry?

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