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I'm better
So much better now
I see the light, touch the light,
We're together now

I'm better
So much better now
Look to the skies, give me life
We're together now

We've only just begun
Hypnotised by drums
Until forever comes
You'll find us chasing the sun
They said this day wouldn't come
We refused to run
We've only just begun
You'll find us chasing the sun

You'll find us chasing the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun

When daylight's fading
We're gonna play in the dark
Til it's golden again
And now it feels so amazing
Can't see it coming, and
We'll never grow old again
You'll find us chasing the sun

I'm never
I'm never down
Lying here, staring up
And you're looking down

I'm never
I'm never down
Live forever, forever
With you around

We've only just begun
Hypnotised by drums
Until forever comes
You'll find us chasing the sun
They said this day wouldn't come
We refused to run
We've only just begun
You'll find us chasing the sun
The sun, the sun, the sun

You'll find us chasing the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun

And when daylight's fading
We're gonna play in the dark
Til it's golden again
And now it feels so amazing
Can't see it coming, and
We'll never grow old again
You'll find us chasing the sun
Chasing the sun
Chasing the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun

And when daylight's fading
We're gonna play in the dark
Til it's golden again
And now it feels so amazing
Can't see it coming, and
We'll never grow old again
You'll find us chasing the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun
You'll find us chasing the sun

A musica se chama : 
Chasing The Sun - The Wanted

Por favor me AJUDE Fazendo uma analise gramaticais Dessa musica eu nao sei nada de

Inglês ... Se eu não : Não fechar o Trabalho eu sou reprovada):

Sagot :

Chasing the Sun - The Wanted

I'm better => Emprego do VERBO TO BE no presente: "am"
So much better now => Uso do superlativo (comparação): better
I see the light, touch the light, => Uso do Simple Present
We're together now => Emprego do verbo to be (estar) no presente

I'm better => Emprego do VERBO TO BE no presente: "am"
So much better now => Uso do superlativo (comparação): better
Look to the skies, give me life => Uso do imperativo, indicando ordem: OLHE!
We're together now => Verb TO BE

We've only just begun => Uso do Past Participle (have begun)
Hypnotised by drums => continuação do partícipio
Until forever comes => Uso do Simple Present
You'll find us chasing the sun => Uso do futuro simples, com WILL. e Object Pronoun com "us".
They said this day wouldn't come => Simple Past (said) e modal verbo (would)
We refused to run => Simple Past (refused)
We've only just begun => Uso do Past Participle
You'll find us chasing the sun => Uso do futuro simples, com WILL. e Object Pronoun com "us".

You'll find us chasing the sun => Uso do futuro simples, com WILL. e Object Pronoun com "us".
You'll find us chasing the sun => Uso do futuro simples, com WILL. e Object Pronoun com "us".

When daylight's fading => Uso do Present Continuous (fading)
We're gonna play in the dark => Uso do Immediate Future com GOING TO
Til it's golden again => Present com TO BE
And now it feels so amazing => Uso do Simple Present
Can't see it coming, and => Modal Verb CAN na negativa.
We'll never grow old again => Futuro simples com WILL.
You'll find us chasing the sun => Futuro simples com WILL.

I'm never => VERB TO BE no presente
I'm never down => VERB TO BE no presente
Lying here, staring up => Emprego do Present continuous
And you're looking down => Emprego do Present Continuous

I'm never => VERB TO BE no presente
I'm never down => VERB TO BE no presente
Live forever, forever => Uma forma de imperativo
With you around => Continuação do imperativo

A segunda parte repete, por isso é a mesma coisa.