, respostas rápidas e precisas para suas perguntas. Encontre as soluções que você precisa de maneira rápida e simples com a ajuda de nossos especialistas em diversas áreas do conhecimento.
Verbo to be no passado. Preencha os diálogos.
a- Where___________you two years ago?
I____________in Washington D.C.
b-_____________ your grandparents rich when they come to Brazil?
Yes, but they______________ not happy.
c- Who___________ your 1st boyfriend?
his name_________ Mark. He and I___________ 16 years old.
___________ he your classmate?
No, he____________. He___________ my cousin's friend.
d- When_____________ your uncle and aunt in Canada?
They__________ there in 2008.
a- Where_were_you two years ago?
I___was____in Washington D.C.
b-___were___ your grandparents rich when they come to Brazil?
Yes, but they__were__ not happy.
c- Who___was__ your 1st boyfriend?
his name___was______ Mark. He and I___were__ 16 years old.
___was__ he your classmate?
No, he____wasn't________. He___was____ my cousin's friend.
d- When____were___ your uncle and aunt in Canada?
They____were______ there in 2008.
espero ter ajudado!! :D