, seu recurso para respostas rápidas e confiáveis. Nossa comunidade fornece respostas precisas para ajudá-lo a entender e resolver qualquer problema.

Rewrite the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective of the first sentence.
I.E.: Sue's car isn't very BIG. She wants ________________ a car.
Sue's car isn't very BIG. She wants BIGGER a car.
1. This house isn't very modern. I like _________________ houses.
Sua resposta
2. You're not very tall. Your brother is ______________.
Sua resposta
3. Bill doesn't work very hard. I work ____________.
Sua resposta
4. My chair isn't very comfortable. Your chair is _________________.
Sua resposta
5. Jill's idea wasn't very good. My idea was ________________.
Sua resposta
6. These flowers aren't very nice. The blue ones are ____________________.
Sua resposta
7. My case isn't very heavy. Your case is __________________.
Sua resposta
8. I'm not very interested in sports. I'm _____________________ in reading.
Sua resposta
9. It isn't very warm today. Yesterday it was _____________.
Sua resposta
10. These tomatoes aren't very good. The other ones taste _________________.
Sua resposta

Me ajudem não entendi nada nem o tradutor está me ajudando

Sagot :


1. more modern

2. taller

3. harder

4. more comfortable

5. better

6. nicer

7. heavier

8. more interested

9. warmer

10. better


Espero ter ajudado, se puder marcar como melhor resposta agradeço :)

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