, sua plataforma para todas as perguntas e respostas. Encontre as soluções que você precisa de maneira rápida e precisa com a ajuda de nossos membros.
Sagot :
a) A man is walking his dog! (afirmativa)
a) is A man walking his dog? (interrogativa)
a) A man isn't taking his dog for a walk. (negativa)
b) He is working hard! (afirmativa)
b) is He working hard? (interrogativa)
b) He isn't working hard. (negativa)
c) You are singing very well! (afirmativa)
c) are You singing very well? (interrogativa)
c) You aren't singing very well. (negativa)
Tradução feita.
forma interrogativa:
A) Did the man take his dog for a walk?
B) Would he be working a lot?
C) Are you singing well?
Forma Negativa
A)The man didn't take his dog for a walk
B) He's not working very hard
C) You're not singing well
creio que tenha feito certo
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