, sua plataforma para todas as perguntas e respostas. Encontre as soluções que você precisa de maneira rápida e precisa com a ajuda de nossos membros.

escreva as frases nas formas negativa e interrogativa cada uma.

a)A man is walking his dog
b)He ia working hard
c)You are singing very well​

Sagot :


a) A man is walking his dog! (afirmativa)

a) is A man walking his dog? (interrogativa)

a)  A man isn't taking his dog for a walk. (negativa)


b) He is working hard! (afirmativa)

b) is He working hard? (interrogativa)

b) He isn't working hard. (negativa)

c) You are singing very well!​ (afirmativa)

c) are You singing very well? (interrogativa)​

c) You aren't singing very well.​ (negativa)


Tradução feita.


forma interrogativa:

A) Did the man take his dog for a walk?

B) Would he be working a lot?

C) Are you singing well?

Forma Negativa

A)The man didn't take his dog for a walk

B) He's not working very hard

C) You're not singing well


creio que tenha feito certo

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