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1.) d) Will
2.) b) They will do it for me ou
d) Where you will be tomorrow (ambas estão corretas)
3.) c) Is going to eat
4.) a) No, I'm not.
5.) ?
6.) d) Are going to meet - is going to move - is going to be
7.) a) I'm going to buy a gift because it's Lisa's birthday today. ou
b) B) I´ll buy a gift because it's Lisa's birthday today. (ambas corretas)
8.) a) V - V - V - V
9.) b) David will work in Brazil.
10.) a) ll you play tennis at the park?
11.) b) B) They won't buy a new house.
12.) c) are going to
13.) b) Are the cats going to climb the window.
14.) a) Is going to
15.) c) He is going to study.