, um espaço para troca de conhecimento. Obtenha informações de nossos especialistas, que fornecem respostas confiáveis para todas as suas perguntas e dúvidas em diversas áreas.
1. “The FIFA World Cup™ is ___________ single-event sporting competition in the world and its impact on society and the environment is indisputable.” *
a) the bigest
b) the biggest
c) more biggest
d) most biggest
2. "Alice is ____________ woman I know. She is also ________ and creative. She is one of ________ professional in the company. " A alternativa que tem a sequencia correta dos adjetivos no superlativo é: *
a) the prettier - the most intelligent - better
b) the prettier - the most intelligent - the best
c) the prettiest - the more intelligent - the better
d) the prettiest - the most intelligent - the best
3. The athlete from Kenya will win the gold medal. He is ...... runner in the competition. *
a) the fastest
b) faster
c) the most fast
d) the most fastest
4. We always buy _________ airline tickets online! *
a) the cheap
b) the cheaper
c) more cheapest
d) the cheapest
5. Nas frases abaixo é possivel ver superlativo de inferioridade EXCETO na letra...: *
a) Daniel is the least funny actor in the group.
b) Mathematics is the least difficult subject at school.
c) Josh is the worst athlete in the competition.
d) Bob the the least strong man in the group.
6. Brazil is _________country in South America. *
a) the largest
b) the largeest
c) the most large
d) the most largest
7. Depois de ter estudado as regras de comparativos e superlativos. Escreva nas linhas abaixo o que diferencia comparativo de superioridade de superlativo de superioridade.
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